Practice Areas
Family Law (Divorce, Paternity, Child Support, Custody, Adoption & Modifications)
Personal Injury & Motor Vehicle Accidents |
Bankruptcy, Debt Relief, Debtor & Creditor Law
Criminal Law |
Employment Law
Civil Rights & Discrimination
Appellate Practice
Social Security Disability
Workers' Compensation |
Business Law and Corporate Law
Real Estate Law
Landlord-Tenant Law
Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning & Probate |
Commercial Law
Civil Litigation
Family Law
Divorce, Paternity, Child Support, Custody, Adoption and Modifications
Family law law issues include marriage, divorce, custody and visitation of minor children, paternity, civil unions, domestic partnerships, adoption, surrogacy, child abuse, domestic abuse and protective orders, guardianships, annulment, property settlements, spousal support and child support. Individuals involved in a family law case are dealing with issues that are incredibly important to them. At H.J. Dane Law Office our attorneys and staff strive to provide the personal attention and client service that people need during this difficult time.
Divorce is the legal means to dissolve or terminate a marital relationship between two people. Divorces can be very complex processes as there are many aspects that need to be taken into consideration, such as spousal support, child support, property division, marital debt, taxes, and custody and visitation.
Adoption is the legal act of permanently placing a child with a person other than the birth parents. An adoption severs the parental responsibilities and rights of the birth parent(s) and transfers those responsibilities and rights to the adoptive ones. After an adoption is finalized, there is no legal difference between the adopted child and those born to the parents.
Child Support is the money paid by parents to contribute to the economic maintenance of their child(ren). It may include monetary support, providing health insurance, paying a portion of uncovered medical expenses and contribution to child care expenses.
Child Custody is a court´s determination of the legal and physical care and custody of a child or children.
Paternity proceedings legally establish the parent-child relationship between a father and child. They also establish the rights and responsibilities of both parents with respect to the child. Paternity determinations are important for both unmarried mothers and fathers in order to provide structure and predictability to the lives of the children and parents.
Guardianships require that someone act on behalf of and protect the ward during the period of time when the ward is incapable of acting for him/herself (usually a child or someone who has become incapacitated through age or disability). When a minor child’s parents are unable or unwilling to care for the child, the courts often look to other family members to act as that child’s guardian.
Personal Injury and Motor Vehicle Accidents
Personal Injury is the term which is most commonly used to refer to a type of lawsuit alleging that a person’s injury has been caused by the negligence or intentional act of another. There are many different types of personal injuries, but the most common arise out of motor vehicle collisions, slip and fall accidents, injuries caused by product defects or medical negligence. We represent clients involved in all types of personal injuries. Most personal injury cases accepted by the H. J. Dane Law Office are accepted on a contingency fee basis – i.e., fee based on recovery and no attorney fee if no recovery is made.
Bankruptcy, Debt Relief, Debtor and Creditor Law
Bankruptcy courts are authorized by the United States Constitution to give individuals debt relief and a fresh financial start. Chapter 13 is sometimes called debt reorganization, and allows individuals to cure secured (e.g. mortgage or car loan) defaults over time or to repay priority tax obligations through a structured plan. Chapter 7 allows individuals to discharge debts and seek an immediate fresh start. Recent changes in the bankruptcy act require individuals with primarily consumer debt and above median income to propose reorganization plans. In addition to representing individuals in bankruptcy court, we represent individuals who have claims under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and the Iowa Consumer Credit Code.
Criminal Law
Everyone accused of a crime is granted the presumption of innocence. At all stages of the criminal process, a person suspected of or charged with a crime is entitled to certain fundamental rights that derive from the U.S. Constitution, state constitutions and key court decisions. We defend people who have been charged with a crime and ensure that a defendant's rights have not been violated at any stage of the prosecution, and obtain an acquittal when the government is unable to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt.
Employment Law
Employment Law is a broad area encompassing all areas of the employer/employee relationship, including the negotiation process covered by labor law and collective bargaining. We represent individuals in breach of contract and wrongful discharge matters along with drafting, enforcing or defending against restrictive covenants, such as covenants not to compete. The law establishes fair wages, limits the number of hours worked in a week, prevents children from being exploited, regulates the cleanliness of the workplace, and requires employers to take precautions to protect their employees and prevent dangerous accidents. We represent employees and employers with causes under the Fair Labor Standard Act, Family Medical Leave Act, and Iowa Wage Claim Act. We also handle unemployment hearings at all levels.
Civil Rights & Discrimination
Civil Rights and Discrimination refers to discriminatory practices such as bias in housing, hiring, promotion, job assignment, termination, compensation, education and public accommodation and various types of harassment based on a person’s age, gender, sexual orientation, religion or race. Employment discrimination occurs when an employer adversely singles out employees or applicants on the basis of age, race, color, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, creed, national origin and other reasons. We represent individuals and employers in the administrative investigation and litigation of claims arising under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (among other federal, state and local employment statutes) before administrative agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Iowa Civil Rights Commission, Illinois Department of Human Rights, Davenport Civil Rights Commission, and the Wage and Hour division of the Department of Labor and in State and Federal Court.
Appellate Practice
Although all cases are initially tried at the trial court level, parties may appeal their case to higher courts known as appellate courts. As appellate attorneys, we seek to correct errors of trial court judges and change the law by persuading appellate courts to overturn lower court decisions or to expand or change the interpretation of statutory law. The appellate attorneys at H.J. Dane Law Office concentrate their practice on advocating cases before state and federal appellate courts, including state supreme courts and the United States Supreme Court.
Social Security Disability
There are two types of social security disability benefits: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), also known as Disability Insurance Benefits or DIB, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Most social security claims accepted by the H. J. Dane Law Office are accepted on a contingency fee basis – i.e., fee based on recovery and no attorney fee if no recovery is made.
Social Security Disability Insurance (DIB) pays benefits to you and certain members of your family if you are "insured," meaning that you worked long enough and paid Social Security taxes. If you qualify for DIB benefits, you will qualify for Medicare two years after the date that you first became disabled.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people who have little or no income. If you fit certain criteria, SSI will provide you with cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter. If you qualify for SSI benefits, you should be eligible to receive Medicaid immediately on approval of your application.
Workers' Compensation
Workers' Compensation laws provide employees who are injured or disabled on the job certain protections, including monetary benefits and medical treatment for their injuries. Benefits are also provided for dependents of those workers who are killed because of work-related accidents or illnesses. Most workers compensation accepted by the H. J. Dane Law Office are accepted on a contingency fee basis – i.e., fee based on recovery and no attorney fee if no recovery is made.
Business Law and Corporate Law
Business can be undertaken in various forms. In many instances ways of doing business are governed by law. In others, they are determined by the preferences of the parties involved, based upon a large number of business, tax and personal considerations. We help individuals form corporations, limited liability companies and limited partnerships in Iowa and Illinois. We represent business entities on employment and contractual issues and in litigation.
Real Estate Law
Real Estate Law involves all areas of real estate transactions, including residential and commercial real estate sales, mortgages, and leases.
Landlord-Tenant Law
Landlord-Tenant Law involves the rights of residential and commercial landlords and tenants.
Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning and Probate
The law of wills, trusts and estates is generally considered the body of law which governs the management of personal affairs and the disposition of property of an individual in anticipation of such person's incapacity or death. After people die, their wills may be probated. Probate is a court action to collect and distribute the assets of the estate to the beneficiaries or heirs, after payment of the obligations of the deceased. Trusts are established to avoid probate and are often used for reasons of confidentiality and ease of administration.
Commercial Law
Commercial law regulates the sale of goods and loans against personal property (known as secured transactions). Commercial transactions include loans for vehicles, equipment, inventory and other types of collateral. We represent both buyers and sellers.
Civil Litigation
Civil Litigation is a legal dispute in court between two or more parties that seek money damages or specific performance rather than criminal sanctions. A lawyer who specializes in civil litigation is known as a “litigator” or “trial lawyer.” At H.J. Dane Law Office we represent parties in trials, hearings, arbitrations and mediations before administrative agencies, and federal, state and local courts. .